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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Kiniro No Corda

Hawt boys + instruments = Kiniro No Corda

I'm currently playing it on PSP.
I know I'm old. Corda 3's already released and I've only just started Corda 2.
The game's awesome! Especially the system, it's not your typical click and go otome games. It doesn't bores me. I'm practically hooked on every single characters in there.

Finally finished Tsuchiura's route just now, almost dropped tears after the ending.
During the game, I've also caught my eye on Hihara & Kaji-kun<3
Hihara plays the trumpet and Kaji-kun plays the Viola.
They have similar traits, childish and cute. Though they're grown teens.
I find myself really weak against such characters. <33

I've always thought Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side series is the only otome game that'll get me addicted. Guess I've found another one! Can't wait to play Corda 3!

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