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Monday, March 8, 2010

Everyday Diary

It's been awhile since my last update, so I thought now's a good time to post something new. Not that I've got anything to say though lol.

I'm just having my normal life, there's nothing special to blog about.

So recently I'm in love with the violin & the orchestra. Every single sound from the instrument just makes my heart skip and it also makes me feel alive! Maybe I should just live off classical musics from now on lmao. Kidding. XD After looking at the electric violins from certain videos in youtube, it gave me the urge to want to buy one.

The design and everything, simply awesome. Or should I say sexy?

You just gotta admit they're sexy. I'm totally in love with that white one.
There's also more hawt designs. And I am so sure the price is going to be a real "hawt" one as well.

Next, about magazines. I'm thinking of ordering a new one call "COOL-B", rather then otome-games, it's got more details on the BL ones. But problem is I'm not sure if Kinokuniya will order it for me since it's... Homo stuffs. Wonder what's wrong with importing BL stuffs into Singapore? (Oh yeah, it's illegal. What kinda law is this anyway? Discriminating much.)

Homosexuals have their rights too. The Lord made gays and lesbians for a reason and they should not be discriminated. But I guess SOME countries just won't understand. (*points at the little red dot on the globe*)'s one of'em. Sigh.

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