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Sunday, March 28, 2010

It's been awhile

Since my last blogging post.

Frankly speaking, I'm getting bored of blogging. But I'm gonna keep to it anyway. :3
What had happened and what's happening now. I'll just summarise it quick in this one post without any pictures.

`Had fun in Malaysia, Genting highlands. Took lots of pictures and a couple of videos. Will write a more detail blog post about it as soon as I've found the time.

`Kiniro No Corda 3. It's here and I've finished Ritsu's route<3 It has improved from 2f, but the story lacked love for music. All they're talking about is the whole competition thingy. And it resembles Prince Of Tennis A LOT. I'm cool with the characters though. The gameplay system has improved as well. Overall, I'm satisfied. Will write a more detailed post on it as well.

`Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Story. Playasia has started accepting pre-orders, but problem is, they don't have the limited edition version which I wanted. I can buy the normal version any time. So I was thinking of asking my jap friends to help me on this one. Buying through Konami Style.

`Sex Pistols OVA. It's released now! But there's nowhere to be found online. Except for the first half of it. It's still good to quench my thirst for it for awhile. Since it has already included the XXX scenes LOL. Again, nothing explicit, lots of coverage. Unlike Sensitive Pornograph and Boku No Pico. I was hoping it'll be more explicit. Oh wells. Sorry for being a pervert. The opening song is pure win. I'm really hooked onto it right now. Hopefully they'll release a full single on this one. Currently waiting for the full OVA.

`My B's log magazine is here, now I've gotta drop by Kino to get it. It's weird for them not having information on B's Log DOLCE 2010 though. It's going to be released tomorrow... And I'm desperate in getting the march issue of COOL-B magazine. Corda 3's on the cover and Ritsu is too beautiful. Maybe I should just try ordering it through amazon... But it's so god damn costly...

That's it for now.

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