Yeah, it's me. I'm a pathetic idiot.
Apologies and thanks to
ponytale &
izanagi_mori for the comments!
I'm seriously a blockhead for not expecting any comments in my blog, thus ignoring the possibilities of people ever leaving comments here. *shoots herself in the head*
I've learnt my lesson and I've finally placed a "Recent Comments" widget to my right sidebar
Once again, I'm really sorry. Orz
Cos you see, this is a really boring blog of my personal life, so I didn't really expect anyone would want to read it. ;w; Thanks for those who read my entries though! m(_ _)m
And since I've been lacking updates recently, I'm bound to lose some readers LOL!
Okay, not just "some" but a whole lot.
Oh well? XD;
I've been really darn active at Plurk with my fangirlings though. 'w';;
Anyone with the same interests as me, feel free to drop me a message over at any of my plurk updates and add me as a friend! It's always fun to fangirl with a group of people with similar interests!! Although I'm not as active on Twitter, but if you've got a twitter account, feel free to add as well! It's all over at my right sidebar ------------>>
I'll try to update my blog often as well!